Health Inequities

Challenging Public Health: Michelle Holder


Apr 5, 2022

1:00-2:00 p.m. ET

A colorful graphic of rays radiating out from the center, purple on the outside and yellowish orange in the bottom left corner.

Our Challenging Public Health series invites speakers from outside of public health to reflect on the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This conversation features Michelle Holder, President and CEO of the Washington Center for Equitable Growth. Holder’s research focuses primarily on how the US job market discriminates against people of color, particularly Black women, who not only face a gender wage gap but a racial wage gap. She has written extensively on this subject, including The ‘Double Gap’ and the Bottom Line: African American Women’s Wage Gap and Corporate Profits, and more recently The Early Impact of Covid-19 on Job losses among Black Women in the United States.



Michelle Holder

Michelle Holder


President of the Washington Center for Equitable Growth; Associate Professor of Economics, John Jay College, City University of New York

Sandro Galea

Sandro Galea


Dean and Robert A Knox Professor, Boston University School of Public Health